L/C Meter II B

By Dave WA2DJN



I was visiting a friend of mine Jim Ivan, who lives in Old Bridge N. J. He loves to build all kinds of electronic circuits, as well as work on various types of receivers. He showed me a neat L/C meter which he purchased and was using to measure coils and capacitors for a circuit which he was building. Previously he had to use a large Booton type of instrument to measure the same type of components. The L/C Meter IIB meter is a hand-held, digital Inductor inductance meter Capacitor capacitance meter with a four digit display sold by Almost All Digital Electronics, and comes in a kit for $99.95, or assembled for $129.95 plus $6.00 for shipping and handling. After seeing the instrument and using it, I purchased one for myself and have been using it for a number of years. If you are building circuits, as I love to do, then this is great instrument. It is a piece of test equipment which I use to measure coils and capacitors, when I am building tuner or QRP circuits. It is ideal for RF and audio work where accurate measurement of small values is needed. It has a maximum resolution of 1 nHy / .01 pF and a maximum range of 150 mHy / 1.5 uF. Capacitors must be non-polarized as the test signal is AC. The unit also features automatic ranging and self calibration.

